What sort of help is available?
Our church is enrolled in a program called Stephen Ministry which trains pastors and lay people to give one-on-one support to people who are experiencing a difficult time. Through Stephen Ministry, our caring leaders have access to ongoing training, resources, and support so that they can continue to offer high-quality care to those in need.
What is a Stephen Minister?
Stephen Ministers are believers, trained by Stephen Ministry, who bring distinctively Christian care to those in need and are bound by confidentiality. They express Christ’s care to others—listening and comforting, and employing the tools of faith—while meeting faithfully for about an hour each week with their care receivers. They commit to 2 years of service and 50 hours of training. If you want to become a Stephen Minister, contact Joyce Sabine or the church office.
Who needs a Stephen Minister?
Anyone who needs support while experiencing difficulties in life (which may include divorce, grief, death of a loved one, loss of a job, loneliness, hospitalization, terminal illnesses, etc.) could benefit from a Stephen Minister. Having someone to care, to listen, to share God’s love with you can help you get through the confusion, stress, or loneliness you may be experiencing. We all are broken people and that it is through the cross of Jesus that we are made whole. Here is a helpful video illustrating the value of Stephen Ministries in the life a young woman who was single and pregnant when she lost her job.
How to get a Stephen Minister?
If you have found yourself in a crisis or difficult time, we are ready to help. Contact our Stephen Minister Intake Co-ordinator, Joyce Sabine, at jmsabine92@gmail.com and someone will be in touch to listen and pray with you.
Please Note:
If you’re thinking about suicide, are worried about a friend or loved one, or would like immediate emotional support: please call the National Suicide Prevention Lifeline at 1-800-273-TALK (8255).