What should I expect?
Yay, you made it! And we’re happy that you’re here. We’ve compiled a list of frequently asked questions to help you feel comfortable visiting.
How do I get to church?
St. Paul’s is located at the corner of Olive Boulevard and Warson Road in Creve Coeur, Missouri. We are about a 1/2 mile East of Lindberg Boulevard. The entrance is located in the back of the building. Visitor and handicapped parking spots are also in back, closest to the covered entrance.
When is Sunday worship service?
Our Sunday morning worship service starts at 9:30a. You may choose to send your children to Children’s Church (see below) or keep your children with you in the worship service. There is a cry-room available at the back of the sanctuary where parents can attend to their children and still hear the service.The worship service is followed by a time of fellowship before Sunday school hour begins at 11a.
What style of worship music do you have?
In the past we had two services, one with traditional music and the other with contemporary. Since the pandemic, we now have one service that includes a blend of worship styles. Most Sundays you will hear an anthem by the choir and organ, a couple of contemporary songs led by our worship band, and a hymn led by the worship leader and organ. We hope this style is welcoming to everyone, no matter their preference.
Do you offer Sunday school classes?
Sunday school classes are offered for both children and adults starting at 11a.
What programs do you have for children?
We offer Children’s Church (at 9:30a.) and Sunday School (at 11a.), and nursery. All children in 6th grade and below are required to register at our Kids’ Welcome Center located to the left of the elevator as you go straight through the foyer upon arrival. Caregivers can answer questions and show you the room for your child. The first time you arrive, a volunteer will get you registered with our digital system and provide you with a code for picking up your children following the service. In subsequent visits you will be able to check in your child or children using your phone number. You are also welcome to keep your family together during the worship service; a cry room is just outside the back exit of the sanctuary if you need to step out to attend to your child’s needs.
How should I dress?
We want you to come as you feel comfortable, whether that is dressing semi-formal or casual. We are not concerned with outward appearance and simply want you to feel comfortable worshiping God with us.
How can I meet a pastor?
Pastors are available after the Sunday morning worship service. They would love to meet you and talk to you during fellowship time. If you would prefer an in-depth conversation, feel free to contact us by using the button below to request an appointment. We look forward to getting to know you!